
NU SSH Day in Almaty

SSH News-23

Dear Friends, 

We are glad to welcome you this Sunday at SSH Day in Almaty. 

You will be able to know about Master’s and PhD programs offered by our School. 

Below you can find the program of the event:

12:45-13:15 – Dana Bazarkulova, Economics Program for graduates

13:30-14:00 – Andrey Filchenko, Session of Humanities, MAES, PhD in Eurasian 

14:15-15:00 – Ellina Mun, Gonzalo Hortelano, STEM (chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics) programs

15:00-17:00 – Open Talk, Q&A session

Do not miss your chance to ask questions about admissions, about programs and the opportunity to get to know the Dean and Vice-Dean of the School, as well as professors and academic managers.

We will be waiting for you this Sunday – October 2, 2022 at the address: Almaty, Kabanbai Batyr 140a, 2nd floor.

See you there!