
SHSS graduates received their diplomas


On the 1st and 2nd of June 2018, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences graduated its 4th cohort of students. The ceremony started with a speech from Nazarbayev University’s (NU) President – Mr Shigeo Katsu, who, being proud of the entire NU community, encouraged graduates to think critically in difficult times. Then the Provost of NU – Dr Adesida Ilesanmi, congratulated students and asked them to thank and applaud their families for making this big day come true for graduates.

The biggest surprise for graduates was the visit of the President – Nursultan Abishevich – to the ceremony. He gave an inspiring speech to the young generation and concluded with the following words: “I have built an independent country from scratch, regardless of the difficulties that stood before me. I wish you to achieve something as big in your lives as I have done”.
 The ceremony finished with a reception where SHSS graduates had an opportunity to listen to the Dean’s and Vice-Dean’s speeches, as well as farewell words from all department chairs who showed up to the event to say good bye to all.

This year there were 24 Master of Arts (3 with honours among them) and 145 Bachelor degrees (21 cum laude, 8 magna cum laude, 4 summa cum laude among them) diploma-holders.  The School is also proudly sending many of its brightest students to such institutions as

Central European University (Budapest),

George Washington University (USA), University of Arizona (USA), University of Maryland (USA) and

 Goethe University (Germany)  to pursue graduate studies.