The book by professor Jean Francois Caron has been nominated for “The Quill and the Sword”

Initially published in English with Manchester University Press (2018), the French version of Prof. Jean-François Caron’s Theory of the Super Soldier: The Morality of Capacity-Increasing Technologies in the Military has been nominated alongside two other books for “The Quill and the Sword” prize organized by the French military which rewards the best book on a military-related topic written by a civilian author. The award ceremony will be held in January in France.
About the book: Throughout history, states have tried to create the perfect combatant, with superhuman physical and cognitive features akin to those of comic book superheroes. However, the current innovations have nothing to do with the ones from the past, and their development goes beyond a simple technological perspective. On the contrary, they are raising the prospect of a human-enhancement revolution that will change the ways in which future wars will be fought and may even profoundly alter the foundations upon which our modern societies are built. In his book, Jean-François Caron discusses the ethical implications of these new technologies, making it a unique resource for students and scholars interested in the morality of warfare.
About the author: Dr Jean-François Caron is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Nazarbayev University. Prior to his hiring at Nazarbayev University, Dr. Caron served as an Assistant Professor at the Université de Moncton (Canada) and as a Lecturer at the Université Laval, the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi and the Institute of European Studies at the Université libre de Bruxelles.
Dr Caron’s research focuses on various issues, such as the conditions of unity and political stability in multinational states, the redefinition of national identities in context of ethnocultural diversity as well as contemporary War Ethics.