
The research performed by Assoc. Prof. of Physics Department Constantinos Valagiannopoulos has been picked as front cover to the Advanced Optical Material


The research performed by Associate Professor of Nazarbayev University Physics Department Constantinos Valagiannopoulos in collaboration with scientists from USA, Poland and Italy. It has been picked as front cover to the Advanced Optical Material, one of the most highly-selective research journals in Material Science, current issue.

It has been discovered that zinc oxide when found in suitable environment creates by itself planar and ultrathin parallel layers. This multilayered structure is letting only the violet color to pass from all the colors included into the light of the sun. That finding paves the way to a new self-organization route for manufacturing optical components. Such tunable and sensitive filters may revolutionize all the micro-devices employed in smartphones and home computers, once the translation from electronics to photonic circuits and signal processors becomes mature.

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