Research Interest
Молекулярная генетика, молекулярная биология, стресс у растений, старение растений, трансформация растений, Arabidopsis.
B.Sc. -2007 – 2012 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology – Title of graduation work: Genetic mechanisms of Arabidobsis thaliana plants adaptation to extreme conditions of northern limits of the species range
Ph.D.-2013 – 2018 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Title of thesis: The role and control of purine catabolism genes and ureides generation in plant response to environmental stimuli
Post–Doc: Jan- Sep 2018 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of French Associates
Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands, Advisor: Prof. Moshe Sagi.
Sep 2018- present Nazarbayev University, Department School of Science and Technology
Employment History
Sep 2018-present Post-doctoral researcher, Nazarbayev University, Biology Department, SSH
Jun 2012- Aug 2013 Laboratory technician, Nazarbayev University, Department Research and Innovation System, School of Science and Technology
Research grants
2018 – 2019 Social Policy Grant. “Genetic manipulation of senescence associated genes to increase the tolerance in crop plant to environmental stresses”, PI.
2020 – 2022 Faculty Development Grant (FDCRG 2020). “Enhance the tolerance of crop plants to abiotic stresses by modulating the senescence associated gene expression”, PI. 3 Bachelor students were involved as Research assistant.
Supervision of BSc students for their research grant from Young Researchers Alliance 2020. List of student and title of project:
1) Dina Turlybekova, title: "The role of senescence-associated receptor-like kinase (AtSARK) in inducing senescence resulting from environmental stimuli" – FRIP program from 2nd call; (2019 Sep). Budget 1mln tenge.
2) Margulan Sandybek, title of project “Investigation of the role of senescence-associated receptor-like kinase (AtSARK) under salinity stress” – FRIP program from 3d call (2019, Nov); Budget 1mln tenge.
3) Aizhan Rakhmetova and Daniyar Niyetkaliyev. FRIP 2020: COVID-19 Response and Recovery Solutions for Qazaqstan, website “Uidemiz” (, (2020 active project) Budget 1mln tenge.
A.S. Kurbidaeva, M.V. Zaretskaya, A.D. Soltabaeva, M.G. Novokreshchenova1, E.V. Kupriyanova, O.M. Fedorenko, T.A. Ezhova1 “Genetic mechanisms for adaptation of Arabidopsis thaliana (l.) heynh. plants to extreme conditions at the northern limits of the species range.” Russian Journal of Genetics, 2013 tom 49 No8 p 1-8 , (English) impact factor 0.44 (
A. D. Soltabaeva, U. N. Kavai-ool, E. V. Kupriyanova T. A. Ezhova1 “Study of the Effect of the Gene ERECTA2 on the Development of Arabidopsis thaliana Shoot”. Russian Journal of Developmental Biology November 2013, Volume 44, Issue 6, pp 314–320 (English) impact factor 0.39 (
A.Chinybayeva, A. Soltabayeva, A. Kabdullina, K. Alibek. “Reverse vaccinology approach for the design of influenza vaccine candidate against various strains” EMBO Lecturer Course: Bioinformatics for Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics, 19-th – 24th November 2012, IME, Rabat, Morocco. (English)
A. Soltabayeva, A.Chinybayeva, A. Kabdullina, K. Alibek “Predicted epitopes of HA, NA, and M2 protein using IEDB T-cell Epitope Prediction Tool”,. OMICS the 3rd International Conference on Vaccines &Vaccination, July 29-31, 2013, Las Vegas, USA. (English)
A. Soltabayeva, M. Sagi “ROS homeostasis by XDH as affected by environmental stimuli”: 12th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants: from model systems to field , 24-26th June 2015, Verona, Italy (English)
A. Soltabayeva, M. Sagi “The role of purine catabolism in delaying or inducing senescence resulting from environmental stimuli” 24th Jeju, Korea to take part in the 8th International Symposium on Plant Senescence 31st October 2016 (English)
S. Srivastava, G. Brychkova, D. Yarmolinsk, A. Soltabayeva, T. Samani, M. Sagi “Aldehyde Oxidase 4 Plays a Critical Role in Delaying Silique Senescence by Catalyzing Aldehyde Detoxification “ Plant Physiology April, 2017, , Volume 173, number 4, pp 1977–1997 (English) impact factor 6.28 (
A. Kurmanbayeva, A. Bekturova, S. Srivastava, A. Soltabayeva, M. Khan, O. Salazar, N. Fedoroff, A. Asatryan, Y. Ventura, M. Sagi, “Higher degradation of L-Cys by O-acetylserine-thiolyases in Sarcocornia than Salicornia” Plant Physiology, accepted on 22 July, 2017 (English) impact factor 6.28 (
A. Soltabayeva, S. Srivastava, A. Kurmanbayeva, A. Bekturova, R. Fluhr and M. Sagi “Early senescence in older leaves of low nitrate-grown Atxdh1 uncovers a role for purine catabolism in N supply”. Plant Physiology September, 2018, DOI:10.1104/pp.18.00795 (English) impact factor 6.28 (
D. Toubiana, R. Puzis, L. Wen, N. Sikron, A. Kurmanbayeva, A.Soltabayeva, M. M. R. Wilhelmi, N. Sade, A. Fait, M. Sagi, E. Blumwald & Y. Elovici “Combined network analysis and machine learning allows the prediction of metabolic pathways from tomato metabolomics data” Communications Biology, Volume 2, Article number: 214 (2019)(
BIOL 105 General Biology