Research Interest
Судебная профессия в Казахстане; Поведение судей вне судов
Уроженец Сыктыквара (Россия), Алексей Трочев (PhD, Университет Торонто; MPA, Канзасский университет; юридический факультет Сыктывкарского государственного университета) преподает Введение в политологию, Методы исследования социальных наук, Международное право, Право, Политику и Общество. До этого он преподавал политические и юридические курсы в Университете Висконсина-Мэдисона, в Университете Квинс (Кингстон), в Канаде и Поморском государственном университете в Архангельске (Россия).
В период с 2002 по 2008 год он участвовал в канадско-российском проекте «Судебное партнерство» и семинарах по федерализму между Канадой и Россией, в которых приняли участие высшие судьи и высокопоставленные правительственные чиновники из обеих стран. Он редактирует журнал «Устав и решения: Законы СССР и государствпреемников», который недавно затронул вопросы этики адвокатов в России, судебной политики в Украине, реформы полиции в России и реформы уголовного правосудия в Казахстане. Его текущие исследовательские проекты исследуют: 1) судебную профессию в Казахстане; и 2) поведение судей вне судов. Он объясняет, почему сейчас самое время изучать право и политику в Евразии.
Judging Russia: The Role of the Constitutional Court in Russian Politics, 1990-2006 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008; paperback edition 2011).
Конституционное правосудие в действии: опыт России и Канады [Constitutional Justice in Action: Russian and Canadian Experiences]. Co-edited with Peter H. Solomon, Jr. (Moscow: Novaia iustitsiia, 2008). In Russian.
Статьи в журналах
- Judges and Their Allies: Rethinking Judicial Autonomy through the Prism of Off-Bench Resistance. Co-authored with Rachel Ellett. Journal of Law and Courts 2:1 (Spring 2014): 67-91.
- Suing Russia at Home. Problems of Post-Communism 59:5 (September–October 2012): 18-34.
- Meddling with Justice: Competitive Politics, Impunity, and Distrusted Courts in Post-Orange Ukraine. Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 18:2 (Spring 2010): 122-147.
- The Unification of Law in the Russian Federation. Co-authored with Jeffrey Kahn & Nikolay Balayan. Post-Soviet Affairs 25:4 (October-December 2009): 310-346.
- All Appeals Lead to Strasbourg? Unpacking the Impact of the European Court of Human Rights on Russia. Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 17:2 (2009): 145-178.
- Russia’s War between the Courts: The Struggle over the Jurisdictional Boundary between the Constitutional Court and Regular Courts. Co-authored with William Burnham. American Journal of Comparative Law 55:3 (2007): 381-452.
- Less Democracy, More Courts: The Puzzle of Judicial Review in Russia. Law & Society Review 38:3 (2004): 513-548.
- Ukraine: Constitutional Court Invalidates the 1991 Ban on the Communist Party. I • CON: International Journal of Constitutional Law 1:3 (2003): 534-540.
- Implementing Russian Constitutional Court Decisions. East European Constitutional Review 11 (Winter/Spring 2002): 95-103.
Главы в книгах
- Legitimacy, Accountability and Discretion of the Russian Courts. In Politics and Legitimacy in Post-Soviet Eurasia, Martin Brusis, Joachim Ahrens, Martin Schulze Wessel (Palgrave, 2015), 121-147.
- How Judges Arrest and Acquit: Soviet Legacies in Post-Communist Criminal Justice. In The Historical Legacies of Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe, ed. Mark Beissinger & Stephen Kotkin (Cambridge UP, 2014), 152-178.
- Fragmentation? Defection? Legitimacy? Explaining Judicial Roles in Post-Communist ‘Colored Revolutions.’ In Consequential Courts: Judicial Roles in Global Perspective, ed. Robert A. Kagan et al. (Cambridge UP, 2013), 67-92.
- Ukraine. In Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, ed. Lavinia Stan & Nadya Nedelsky (Cambridge UP, 2013), 490-497.
- Can Weak States Have Strong Courts? Evidence from Russia. In Legitimacy, Legal Development & Change: Law & Modernization Reconsidered, ed. David Linnan (Ashgate, 2012), 351-374.
- Federal Idea in Putin’s Russia. In The Federal Idea: Essays in Honour of Ronald L. Watts, ed. Thomas J. Courchene et al. (McGill-Queen’s UP, 2011), 445-460.
- New Court in a New Federation: The Constitutional Court and Russian Federalism. In Judge Made Federalism? The Role of Courts in Federal Systems, ed. Hans-Peter Schneider, Jutta Kramer, & Beniamino Caravita di Toritto (Nomos, 2009), 107-130.
- Judge-Made Federalism in Canada. In Judge made Federalism? The Role of Courts in Federal Systems, ed. Hans-Peter Schneider, Jutta Kramer, & Beniamino Caravita di Toritto (Nomos, 2009), 163-178.
- Judicial Self-Empowerment under Authoritarian Rule: The Case of the Russian Constitutional Court. In Essays in Honour of Anders Fogelklou, ed. Stefan Hedlund and Torben Spaak (Iustus Förlag, 2008), 287-312.
- Russia’s Constitutional Spirit: Judge-Made Principles in Theory and Practice. In Russia and Its Constitution: Promise and Political Reality, ed. Robert Sharlet and Gordon B. Smith (Martinus Nijhoff, 2007), 51-75.
- ‘Tinkering with Tenure’: The Russian Constitutional Court in Comparative Perspective. In Russia, Europe, & the Rule of Law, ed. Ferdinand Feldbrugge (Martinus Nijhoff, 2007), 47-77.
- Courts on the Web in Russia. In E-Justice: Using Information Communication Technologies in the Court System, ed. Agustí Cerrillo i Martínez and Pere Fabra i Abat (Idea Group, 2008), 196-202.
- Judicial Selection in Russia: Towards Accountability & Centralization. In Appointing Judges in an Age of Judicial Power: Critical Perspectives from Around the World, ed. Peter H. Russell and Kate Malleson (U of Toronto Press, 2006), 375-394.
- Courts and Federalism in Putin’s Russia. Co-authored with Peter H. Solomon, Jr. In The Dynamics of Russian Politics. Vol. 2, ed. Peter Reddaway and Robert W. Orttung (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), 91-121.
PLS210 Political Science Research Methods
PLS354 Introduction to International Law
PLS370 Law, Politics and Society
PLS372 Post-Soviet Public Policy
PLS511 Advanced Research Design