Анара Жумадилова, DMD, Доктор наук
Ассистент Профессор
Офис тел.:
+7 (7172) 706539

Research Interest

Translational sciences (clinical and lab investigations)
Research of Medical Education (Methods, technologies)
PCR, RFLP, genotype polymorphisms sequencing

Избранные публикации
Предлагаемые курсы


10/09-11/09  Teaching training: “Innovative technologies in medical education”, University of Miami, US

3/07-4/07  Scientific training: “Management of research work”, Florida State Universtity, Tallahassee, US

4/01-4/05  Ph.D. in Dental Sciences (Biomedical sciences),  Hiroshima University, Department of Molecular Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Surgery, Division of Frontier Medical Science, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Japan. Dissertation: Molecular-epidemiological study of oral and maxillo-facial disorders among the residents of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site area. Advisor: Professor Tetsuji Okamoto

9/95-6/00 Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy, Faculty of Dentistry, Semipalatinsk city, Kazakhstan Graduation Project:  Congenital anomalies of maxilla-facial region in newborns

Major honors, certificates, credentials:

Scholarship grant for PhD study: Monbukagakusho Scholarship  (2000-2005)

Grant for international project from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology “Molecular-epidemiological study of oral and cranio-maxillo-facial disorders among the residents of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site area” under the supervision of Prof. Testuji Okamoto granted by Japanese Government (2000-2005)

Professional Memberships:

  1. Japanese society of pediatric dentistry- since Apr. 2003.
  2. Japanese stomatological society – since Oct. 2000.
  3. Asian Association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons- since Oct. 2004.
  4. Dental association of Kazakhstan- since 2006
  5. Member of: “Academy of Dentistry International”- 2010
  6. Member of: “American academy of implant prosthodontics” and Atlantic dental implant seminars- 2010
  7. Member of Medical Association of Kazakhstan 2012