Research Interest
Доктор Джессика Нефи – ассистент профессор кафедры политологии и международных отношений Назарбаев Университета. До приема на работу в Назарбаев Университет доктор Нефи получила степень доктора философии в Университете Орегона (США) в 2020 году, а также работала доцентом в Университете Западного Орегона. Д-р Нефи также имеет степень магистра наук в области климатологии и политики Колумбийского университета (2012 г.), степень магистра дипломатических исследований Вестминстерского университета (Великобритания, 2009 г.) и степень бакалавра искусств в области востоковедения и политологии Университета Флориды (2003 г.).
Исследование доктора Нефи посвящено различным вопросам, включая влияние прямых иностранных инвестиций (ПИИ) на окружающую среду, взаимодействие между обществом и многонациональными корпорациями (ТНК), а также влияние инициативы «Китайский пояс, один путь» в развивающихся странах. Она является автором рецензируемой статьи для журнала “Политикон”.
Neafie, Jessica. 2018. “The Role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Promoting Access to Clean Water.” Politikon: The IAPSS Journal of Political Science 39(December): 7–35. https://doi.org/10.22151/politikon.39.1
2016 Environmental Studies Graduate Paper Award Winner, ISA
Neafie, Jessica. “Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries Harmful or Helpful? An analysis of the variation of environmental outcomes due to the source of foreign investment.” Under Review: Global Environmental Politics. Presented at the International Political Science Association Congress 2018
Working Papers/Briefing Papers
Huber-Stearns, Heidi, Autumn Ellison, Olivia Molden, Jessica Neafie, and Cassandra Moseley. 2010. “Profiles of Fire Suppression Contracting Businesses.” Ecosystem Workforce Center. Briefing paper. https://www.firescience.gov/projects/12-2-01-10/project/12-2-01-10_BP_68.pdf
Nassau, Racine, and Jessica Neafie. 2012. “What’s in Your Rice? A Look at Where Rice in the U.S. Comes From.” Earth Institute Newsletter. https://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2012/03/21/what’s-in-your-rice-a-look-at-where-rice-in-the-u-s-comes-from/
Neafie, Jessica. “Chinese Foreign Direct Investment and the Environment in Developing Countries: A case study of Chinese Multinational Corporations going to Africa”
Presented at the International Political Science Association Congress 2018
Neafie, Jessica and Kaz Zaidi. “Making Enemies: Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the Congressional Record.”
Presentation forthcoming at Southern Political Science Association Conference
Neafie, Jessica. “Corporate Sustainability Reports and Exporting Environmentalism:
Operationalizing the Environmental Ideology of Corporations”
Presented at Midwest Political Science Association 2018, Duck Family Graduate Workshop 2018
Neafie, Jessica and Ksenia Bergantz. “The social foundations of the critical economic transitions in the Russian Federation and China”
Presented at International Studies Association Conference 2016
Neafie, Jessica et al. “How geospatial intelligence provides an integrative solution for Whole of Government challenges: Focus on the Environment and Security”
Presented at the Strategic Multi-layer Assessment Conference 2015
Grants, Awards, Fellowships:
Applied Adam Smith Fellowship, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, 2019-20
John R Moore Scholarship, University of Oregon, 2019
Graduate Award, University of Oregon, 2019
UO Teaching Excellence Award Department Nominee, Political Science, 2019
Adam Smith Fellowship, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, 2018-2019
Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences Dissertation Award, 2018-2019
Special “Opps” Research and Travel Award, University of Oregon, Summer 2018
Mitchell Award Winner, University of Oregon, 2018 & 2017
Harrell Rodgers Graduate Student Travel Scholarship, Midwest Political Science Association, 2018
Graduate Paper Award, Environmental Studies Section, International Studies Association, 2016
ICPSR Fellowship Recipient, University of Oregon, 2016
Environmental Studies Section Graduate Paper Award, International Studies Association, 2016
Foreign Language and Areas Studies Award (FLAS), Chinese, Year 2014-2015, Summer 2014
Graduate Teaching Fellowship, University of Oregon, 2013-ongoing
Columbia Department of Earth and Environmental Science PRWO Award, Vietnam, 2011-2012
Service Activities
Senator, Arts and Humanities Graduate Seat 22, ASUO, University of Oregon 2018-2020
Appeals Board Committee Member, Student Conduct, University of Oregon 2018-2019
Chair, Health and Welfare Trust, University of Oregon 2015-2019
President, Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation May 2017-June 2018
Vice President of Operations, Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation May 2015-June 2017
Graduate Student Council Representative, Political Science, University of Oregon 2014-2016
Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation Union Steward, University of Oregon 2013-2015
Courses: Introduction to International Relations, Public Choice and Public Policy, Quantitative Methods