Джулио Секкиа
Заведующий кафедрой и Вице-декан по научно-исследовательской работе/Профессор
Офис тел.:
(70) 5741
Research Interest
Прикладная теория, Экономика финансов
Избранные публикации
Предлагаемые курсы
Избранные публикации:
“Consumer default with complete markets: default-based pricing and finite punishment”
(with Xavier Mateos-Planas), Economic Theory, (2014), 56(3).
“Agency and anxiety” (with Michael Rauh), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, (2010), 19(1).
“Welfare implications of bankruptcy with endogenous credit limits” (with Xavier Mateos-Planas), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, (2006), 30(11), 2081-2115.
“Anxiety and performance: a learning-by-doing model” (with Michael Rauh), International
Economic Review} (2006), 47(2), 583-609.
“Experimentation, full revelation, and and the and the monotone likelihood ratio property” (with Michael Rauh), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2005), 56(2), p. 239-262.
“Mean-Variance analysis in temporary equilibrium” (with Michael Rauh), Research in Economics, 55, (2001), 331-345.
“Informational efficiency properties of rational expectations equilibria in non-convex economies,” Economic Theory, 16 (2000), 323-332.
“A role for monetary policy when prices convey information: an example” (with Herakles Polemarchakis), Journal of Economic Theory, 95 (2000), 107-115.
1. ECON326: Economics of FInancial Markets
2. ECON320: Money and Banking