Research Interest
Теория Игр, Информационная Экономика, Аукционы, Механизмы Распределения, Эволюционная Теория Игрф
“Equilibria in Second Price Auctions with Private Participation Costs” (with Xiaoyong Cao, Guofu Tan and Guoqiang Tian), Economic Theory, 65, 231-249, 2018.
“Resale in Second Price Auctions with Costly Participation” (with Gorkem Celik), International Journal of Industrial Organization 54, 148-174, 2017.
“Optimal Auctions with Simultaneous and Costly Participation” (with Gorkem Celik), The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics: Vol. 9: Iss. 1 (Advances), Article 24, 2009.
“Evolution of Preferences” (with Eddie Dekel and Jeffrey Ely), The Review of Economic Studies 74, 685-704, 2007.
“Ratifiability of Efficient Collusive Mechanisms in Second Price Auctions with Participation Costs” (with Guofu Tan), Games and Economic Behavior 59, 383-396, 2007.
“Equilibria in Second Price Auctions with Participation Costs” (with Guofu Tan), Journal of Economic Theory 130, 205-219, 2006.
“A Model of Evidence Production and Optimal Standard of Proof and Penalty in Criminal Trials”Canadian Journal of Economics 35, 385-409, 2002.
“Nash Equilibrium and the Evolution of Preferences” (with Jeffrey Ely), Journal of Economic Theory97, 255-272, 2001
“Cooperation, Secret Handshakes, and Imitation in the Prisoners’ Dilemma” (with Thomas Wiseman),Games and Economic Behavior 37, 216-242, 2001.
“A Note on the Seller’s Optimal Mechanism in Bilateral Trade with Two-Sided Incomplete Information” Journal of Economic Theory 87, 267-271, 1999.