Research Interest
аргументация и общение в убедительных и технических контекстах.
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Томас Дьюк – риторик, изучающий аргументацию и общение в убедительных и технических контекстах. Егосамые последние проекты были сосредоточены на роли пословиц и идиом в построении аргументов. Он преподавал MSC 601 «Техническая коммуникация», WCS 101 «Коммуникация и общество», WCS 150 «Риторика и композиция» и WCS 302 «Аргументация и дебаты».
Duke, Thomas. “An Inductive Approach to Communication Analysis” Speaker & Gavel 53.2 (2016): 40-44. | |
Duke, Thomas. “Aristotle and Impromptu: Lessons for Impromptu Speech Structure(s).” The Forensic 100.1 (2015): 3-12. | |
Select Conference Presentations | |
Duke, Thomas. The Readiness Paradigm: An Innovative Approach to Rhetorical Education from Classical Sources. Accepted for presentation at: Southern States Communication Association Conference, Greenville, SC, April 2017. | |
Duke, Thomas. The Copious Style in the Classroom (G.I.F.T.S. presentation). Accepted for presentation at: National Communication Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 2016. | |
Duke, Thomas. A Rhetor and his Rhetoric: Teaching Erasmian Style in the Rhetoric Classroom. Accepted for presentation at: Rhetoric Society of America Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 2016. | |
Duke, Thomas. A Marriage of Ciceronian Stasis and Image Repair Theory. Accepted for presentation at: Southern States Communication Association Conference, Austin, TX, April 2016. | |
Duke, Thomas. Devilish Suasion: Problematic Propaganda, Paradise Lost and Plain Style. Accepted for presentation at: Southern States Communication Association Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2014. |
Communication and Society