Кафедра истории, философии и религиоведения

  1. HST 100 History of Kazakhstan
  2. HST 103 Central Asian History I (to 1700)
  3. HST 104 Central Asian History II (1700-1991)
  4. HST 121 World History I (to 1500)
  5. HST 122 World History II (from 1500)
  6. HST 123 Introduction to the History of Science and Technology
  7. HST 131 European History I (to 1700)
  8. HST 132 European History II (from 1700)
  9. HST 151 US History I (to 1877)
  10. HST 152 US History II (from 1877)
  11. HST 171 Middle Eastern History I (to 1800)
  12. HST 172 Middle Eastern History II (from 1800)
  13. HST 181 East Asian History I (to 1500)
  14. HST 182 East Asian History II (from 1500)
  15. HST 199 Freshman Seminar
  16. HST 212 Coins, Cotton, and Cocoons: Global Trade and Eurasian Materiality (ca. 1500-1850)
  17. HST 220 India and the British Empire 1757-1947
  18. HST 221 The Atlantic World 1750-1950
  19. HST 225 World War II
  20. HST 231 Western Intellectual History
  21. HST 232 Russia from Rurik to Catherine II (800s to 1801)
  22. HST 234 The Soviet Experiment: Citizenship, Nationality, and Violence in the USSR, 1917-
  23. HST 237 European Dictators
  24. HST 238 Eastern Europe I (to 1900)
  25. HST 239  Modernizing the Periphery: Crime, Community and Culture in Central Europe, 1790 – 1990
  26. HST 253 US History on Film
  27. HST 256/WLL 244 US Intellectual History from 1865
  28. HST 261/REL 261 History of Islam (570s to 1258)
  29. HST 272 Modern Turkey: From the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic
  30. HST 312 Comparative Colonialism
  31. HST 315/KAZ 315 The Wild East: Colonialism, Rebellion and Nation-building in the Steppe (1731-1917)
  32. HST 322/REL 322 The Crusades
  33. HST 324 The Economic History of the USSR and Successor States
  34. HST 325 Global Cold War
  35. HST 326 Famines, Food Supply and Entitlements Crises in Modern History
  36. HST 327 Global Cold War
  37. HST 330 Issues in 20th Century European History
  38. HST 331 The Age of Reason and Revolution
  39. HST 335 European Nationalisms
  40. HST 342/WLL 342/PLS 322 Russian Intellectual History (1762 to 1905)
  41. HST 380/WLL 380 India since Independence through Bollywood Cinema
  42. HST 399 Independent Study
  43. HST 410 Land and Population in Russian Turkestan (ca. 1865-1915)
  44. HST 420 The Russian Empire in Asia and its Neighbours 1552-1919
  45. HST 421 Problems in Islamic History
  46. HST 422 Advanced Economic History of the USSR and its Successor States
  47. HST 431 Marginality in Russia and the USSR
  48. HST 432 Nations and Nationalisms in Russia and the USSR 1900-2000
  49. HST 441/WLL 441 Utopias in Russian and Soviet Literature
  50. HST 498 Directed Reading
  51. HST 499 History Capstone: Undergraduate Dissertation
  52. PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
  53. PHIL 200 Introduction to Ancient Philosophy
  54. PHIL 203 Introduction to Medieval Philosophy
  55. PHIL 205 Introduction to Modern Philosophy
  56. PHIL 207 Introduction to Islamic Philosophy
  57. PHIL 210 Ethics
  58. PHIL 215 Bioethics
  59. PHIL 230/PLS 224 Religion and Democracy
  60. PHIL 240 Formal Logic
  61. PHIL 250 Philosophy of Science
  62. PHIL 320 Truth, Knowledge and Belief
  63. PHIL 360 Philosophy of Language
  64. PHIL 399 Special Topics
  65. REL 110 Introduction to World Religions
  66. REL 120 Religion and Science
  67. REL 140 Religion in the Modern World
  68. REL 160 Lived Religion
  69. REL 202/ANT 202 Anthropology of Religion and Secularism
  70. REL 212 Buddhist Religious Traditions
  71. REL 213 Chinese Religious Traditions
  72. REL 215/ANT 215 What is Islam? Anthropological Perspectives.
  73. REL 220 War & Peace in Religious Thought & Practice
  74. REL 240 Christian Religious Traditions
  75. REL 261/HST 261 History of Islam (570s to 1258)
  76. REL 262 Islamic Religious Traditions
  77. REL 270 North American Religious Traditions
  78. REL 302 Global Fundamentalism
  79. REL 303 Religion and Gender
  80. REL 310 Religious Journeys: Travel, Tourism, and Pilgrimage
  81. REL 322/ HST 322 The Crusades
  82. REL 330 Meditation and Contemplative Practices
  83. REL 360 Secularism and Modernity
  84. REL 399 Special Topics in Religious Studies
  85. REL 401 Methods and Theories in the Study of Religion
  86. REL 410 Buddhism in Central Asia

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