
International Forum “Abai and Humanism” 



Cultural Center “RUKHANI ZHANGYRU”

Department of Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies


Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan



On holding the International Forum “Abai and Humanism” dedicated to the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbaiuly on April 23-25th, 2020


         Forum goals: The dissemination of the thoughts of the great poet and wise philosopher of the Kazakh people Abai worldwide regarding the common problems of humankind, expressed in his poems and “The Book of Words”. To foster a global audience’s knowledge of and interest in the works of Abai.

        Kazakhstani and foreign scientists, faculty, graduate and undergraduate students who wish to support humanism and world peace, to contribute to the education of generations, the environment, education and teaching, as well as those who would like to contribute to the preservation of world values, are cordially invited to participate in the forum.



1. The world of Abai and humanism.
2. Abai’s concept of humanism: “Love mankind as your kin…”.
3. The prioritization of education as the requirement of the age.
4. “The Well-Rounded Person” – modernization of consciousness.
5. Contemporary environmental issues.
6. The relevance of modern linguistic and ecological problems.
7. New directions in teaching humanities.
8. Kazakh studies, knowledge of the individual, and consciousness of the nation.
9. The content and purpose of Kazakh literary studies in the XXI century.
10. The Kazakh language and the new alphabet (Latin alphabet).
11. Al-Farabi and Abai: the concept of “The Well-Rounded Person” (“Толық адам” концепциясы)



        April 23-24th, 2020: plenary and breakout sessions, the General meeting of the International Association of Teachers of Kazakh Language (IATKL), a poster session of young scientists, discussions.
April 25th, 2020:
performances of “Abai readings” competition winners, an exhibition of the characters from “The Path of Abai” by M. Auezov through the eyes of the artists, a theatrical performance of talented youth of Nazarbayev University by the student club “Kazakh Stage”, the closing of the forum, awarding of certificates.



        The paper should provide a clear description of goals, methodology and expected research or project results, should be accompanied with an abstract and keywords, and should include the following information: (1) topic of the paper (2) full name of author(s); (3) academic degree; (4) place of work; (5) city (region); (6) email; (7) session of the international forum.

‒ The length of the paper is 5-7 pages (A4 format).
‒ Page parameters (margins): top-2 cm, bottom-2 cm, right-1 cm, left-3 cm.
‒ Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
‒ Line spacing – single.
‒ The title of the paper is placed in the center of the sheet in CAPITAL (capital) letters; on the next line after the title are the name and initials of the author (authors), academic degree, place of work, city (region), and email address.
‒ For papers in the Kazakh language, an abstract should be provided in the Kazakh language and abstract in English (word count: 200-250).
‒ For papers in Russian, an abstract in Russian and abstract in English should be provided (word count: 200-250).
‒ For papers in English, an abstract in English and abstract in Kazakh and/or Russian should be provided (word count: 200-250).
‒ Number of keywords: 7-8.
‒ At the end of the paper, a list of references should be indicated. References in the text are enclosed in square brackets, indicating the serial number of the source in the list of references.
‒ Only research papers selected by the editorial board are accepted.

A paper design template is available at is attached below (Annex 1 ). The paper should be completed by the template and sent in Word format to the following email: (forum email) with the indicated topic “Abai Forum 2019 Paper”.

Annex 1 In English 

           Abstracts are accepted until March 10th, 2020. Notification of acceptance of the thesis will be sent on March 20th, 2020.

Online registration will open on March 25, 2020.

Working languages of the international forum: Kazakh, Russian and English.



  • International participants – 50 USD;
  • Kazakhstan participants – 5000 KZT;
  • Students – FREE.

            Contact information:

            Organizing Committee:

  • Cultural Center “Rukhani Zhangyru”, Nazarbayev University
  • Department of Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies, Nazarbayev University
  • International Association of Teachers of Kazakh Language


Phone numbers: +7/717-270-5709, +7/717-270-5935