“Biography”: A documentary about scientist Dos Sarbassov

On February 3, a documentary of a Kazakhstani journalist, director Raikhan Rakhim, filmed with the participation of Nazarbayev University and the cultural-educational foundation of Dosym Satpayev was released. The film “Biography” talks about Dos Sarbassov – one of the largest bio-engineer scientists in the world. Professor Sarbassov worked at the MD Anderson Cancer Center for a long time, and after 26 years returned from the United States to Kazakhstan.
“The film was shot in support of all those Kazakhstani scientists who, in spite of everything, are trying to save and develop the science of Kazakhstan, which, unfortunately, still exists in difficult conditions. In the 90s, many scientists who were able to realize themselves in other countries left Kazakhstan. This story is about one of these people. The biologist Dos Sarbassov worked for almost 26 years in well-known research centers in the United States. But last year, he returned to Kazakhstan to help to grow a new generation of young scientists and contribute to the development of Kazakhstan’s science”,- Dosym Satpayev writes on his Facebook page.
Now Dos Sarbassov works at Nazarbayev University. After he began work in Astana, the oncological center M.A. Anderson and Nazarbayev University agreed to jointly implement the scientific development of a patent for an anti-cancer drug developed in Sarbassov’s laboratory.