“Living Memory”, the book, one of the editors of which is a professor of Nazarbayev University, has been recognized as one of the best books written on a socially sensitive topic

The winners of the literary contest “Altyn Kalam” for 2020 named, Esquire.kz reports. The nominees and winners of the contest were determined based on a study conducted by the organizers of the Altyn Kalam among experts in the field of literature, business and science, who evaluated the development of modern Kazakhstani literature, gave their opinion on the most popular genres, evaluated the prospects for the development of the book market Kazakhstan and the necessary support.
In the framework of the Altyn Kalam literary contest the collective monograph “Living Memory” won the award for “Best Book on a Socially Significant Topic.”
The collective monograph Living Memory studies the history of the Stalinist repressions in Kazakhstan in the 1930s – 1940s, the memory of them and their understanding by modern Kazakhstani society. The collection consists of three sections: “History”, “Memory”, “Art” – and addresses the history of Stalinism: collectivization of agriculture, industrialization, forced deportations, mass repressions and the organization of a system of forced labor camps. The essay raises topics of totalitarian state violence and collective memory of that period of deprivation, suffering, and human rights violations. The authors attempt to overcome collective historical trauma through art tools.

The collection contains the works of Zhulduzbek Abylkhozhin (doctor of historical sciences), Zauresh Saktaganova (doctor of historical sciences), Ekaterina Kuznetsova (researcher and journalist), Yuri Serebryansky (writer), Alexandra Tsai (culturologist), Marinika Babanazarova (art critic, Director of the Savitsky Museum in 1984-2015), Guldana Safarova (art critic) and Asel Kadyrkhanova (artist and researcher) and Mikhail Akulov (PhD, assistant professor of History, Philosophy and Religious Studies, SSH).
The “Living Memory” project is implemented by the Human Rights Program of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan and will be translated into Kazakh and English this year, Soros.kz reports.
The book was released in a limited edition and can be found in some Kazakhstani libraries. Please visit the SFK website to read the book online.